Knowing God’s Will

(Adapted from work by Pastor Erman K. Lunder).

The following is a guide created to bring clarity to the process of making decision.  After considering your options, as well as consulting with family and friends, it can be helpful to take a step back and simply listen to the Holy Spirit.

Step 1: Pray- Search the scriptures. (This doesn’t have to be scripture related to the problem. Simply being in scripture gets you in tune with the mind of God.)

Step 2: To the best of your ability, with all the facts and information you have available, make a decision.

Step 3: Wait. Give yourself a day or two without sharing your choice with anyone else. Keeping your decision private will allow you to process your thoughts and feelings clearly and without any influence from others.

  • If during this waiting period you experience:
    • calm peace
    • inner conviction
    • liberty of action
    • joyous anticipation
  • If so: your decision is most likely aligned with God’s will.
  • HOWEVER…. If during this waiting period you experience:
    • restlessness
    • bondage
    • dark dread
  • If so: your decision is most likely NOT aligned with God’s will.

(Be aware that fear of change, challenges, and the unknown can often complicate your ability to decipher God’s will. If you often struggle to accept changes or things outside your “plan”, spend some extra time praying and asking the Lord if your need for control is hindering your ability to hear His voice.)


Scriptures relating to instantly obeying the voice of the Spirit:

  • Isaiah 30:21 (The Rudder Verse)
  • Proverbs 20:27
  • Romans 8:14
  • John 10:27
  • John 8:47
  • Galatians 5:16
  • Galatians 5:25

When we have received direction from the Lord about which choice to make and then things don’t seem “just right”, here is a verse to cling to:

Proverbs 20:24 “Since the Lord is directing our steps, why try to understand everything that happens along the way?”