January 30th 1988

An audio tape of a sermon entitled “But God” by Jon Coursen was recently given to me. His theme throughout the tape was “I don’t know the answers to your problem, but I do know who does- God.” It may sound simplistic, but as I have listened over and over to this tape, I am convinced he is right.

Let me share with you some of his thoughts about how God intervened in the problems of people recorded in the Bible:

  • Abraham (the patriarch) tried to pass off his wife, Sarah, as his sister- “But God” intervened and saved her. (Genesis 20:3)
  • Jacob struggled with the negative and changing attitude of his father-in-law- “However God” intervened and did not allow him to harm Jacob. (Genesis 31:7)
  • Jacob on his death bed assured Joseph that he (Jacob) would die- “But God” would be with him. (Genesis 48:21)
  • Joseph realized that his brothers had intended harm for him- “But God” had intended it for good. (Genesis 50:19-20)
  • Samson, after a difficult battle was feeling tired and discoursed, in need of refreshment. He felt as though he would die of thirst- “Then God” brought forth water to refresh him. (Judges 15:15-20)
  • David was being hunted like a criminal by King Saul- “but God” intervened to protect him. (I Samuel 23:13-14)

Time after time in scripture, we see evidence of difficult circumstances, problems and dilemmas. Yet with each of these, we see men and women of faith who said “but God” was there. Maybe you, like me, are in one of those situations in life where you cannot figure out what good can come of it. I don’t know what the answer to your problem is, but I know who has the answer! In the midst of trails and difficulties, there is hope. The advice that people give may have some merit, but listening to God, waiting for the unfolding of His plan, is always of value. In your rush to fix problems, don’t do what I often do…..forget to listen to God.

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

The Blessing

Numbers 6:24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be gracious unto you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

When my children were young someone told me about laying my hands on their heads when they left in the morning and giving them the Numbers 6:24-26 blessing. They said they did this and it was a blessing to their children and to them. So I decided to try it. I know Pollyann was about four, so the others were probably somewhere between four and thirteen. I cant remember how many years this went on but I remember they were in Jr. High and High School and I was still doing it. I would lay my hands on their heads when they left for school and give them the blessings from Numbers. I remember Pollyann was about four or at least before kindergarten, because I can still remember the day so clearly when she and several friends went out the front door to play. And she opened the door again and popped her head in and said, “Mama you forget to give me your blessing”. So I laid my hands on her head and gave her the blessing to the wide eyes wonderment of the friends standing with her. She didn’t want the older children to get something she didn’t have.

I can also remember as they got to Jr. High days thinking maybe they were getting too old and didn’t want me to do this any more… only to have them remind me that I had forgotten. I really think it did help give them a sense of peace going out and that the Lord would be with them. I encourage you to try it. Be doers of the word. It is scary to send our children out into the world and to a day at school (or work) not knowing what they may face. Not only does it give them something, it gives us an extra assurance that yes the Lord will be with them.

Give it a try and let me know how it goes.

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