Empty Pots

The following are some notes I wrote to myself many years ago, not dated but only, “Monday 5:45am” written at the top. I feel this could have been written even 20 years ago and I feel probably it was in February or at least winter for those empty feelings are often my winter feelings that I have mentioned before. I felt they were important to laying the groundwork for Joyful Motherhood, in that if we don’t feel like being joyful the Lord can fill that need. I am writing them just as I have written them and hope they will be a blessing to you.

2 Kings 4:1-7- borrowed pots- God filled the empty pots with oil- when she ran out of the pots the oil ran out.

My empty pots are:

  • willing myself to set aside early time for the Lord- now an empty gesture but the Lord filled them with oil
  • willing myself to walk each day – no desire. The Lord will fill it with oil of desire and joy and health.

I have first to put down the empty gesture- God will fill it- But I have to make the move.

“You cant steer a parked car”

The Lord showed me the analogy of giving my empty: face, body, house.

Instead of wearing my robe and not fixing my face until I “felt” like doing it- I fixed my hair and face and got nicely dressed. Even though the inside was empty, I trusted the Lord to fill me with emotions that matched the outside.

Likewise the house- what would I have done if I were full of joy? I would have straightened up, built a fire, and put on a record. Well I did just that and trusted God to fill the emptiness… and He did.

Also the song came back to me that I’d been singing- “Jesus, took my empty life and filled it with His love, joy, peace.” I loved how it tied together with what the Lord had showed me.

2 Kings 5:9-14- Story of Naam bring cured of leprosy

v. 13 “If the prophet had told you to do some great things wouldn’t you have done it? You certainly should obey him when he says simply go wash and be cured.”

This verse confirmed by thought from today…. It is important that I am following through with what the Lord calls me to do. It will help me as much as a “great miracle of healing.”

I must first step- then the waters will part.

Give him the empty areas of my life- let Him fill them.

God At Eventide- April 13

Heaven’s Almoner

(Almoner: One who dispenses alms for another as for a prince or the King of Kings)

(Alms: Work of mercy)

“It may not be YOUR need I am seeking to supply at a particular moment, but of another through you. Remember what I have told you before. It is empty vessels that I fill. Into open hands that I place my supply. Too often my followers are so busy clutching their foolish possessions that they have no hand to receive the larger blessing, the needed gifts that I am waiting to pass to them and through them to others. Help all to see the wonderful life that could open out before them. To be Heaven’s Almoner is the work to which I call each follower of mine.”

(Handwritten notes at bottom of page)

  • What am I clutching to so hard that I don’t have time for what God has for me? 
  • Don’t be so hung up on our details that we forget the delights. 



  • Dawn Ellis

    When I see “Glad Surprise” pop up in my e-mail, it feels like getting an e-mail from Rosemary. Thank you! 🙂