God Can’t Use You?

Oh, I see! You’re a sinner- a real bad sinner! Well, Scripture says, “While we were yet sinners Christ died for us” in Romans 5:8. But can God use a person who is short of perfect? One who loses their temper? Who gets depressed? Yes! And you’re in good company!

David’s armor didn’t fit

John Mark was rejected by Paul

Moses stuttered

Hosea’s wife was a prostitute

Amos’ only training was in the school of fig-tree pruning

Jacob was a liar

David had an affair

Solomon was too rich

Abraham was too old

David was too young

Timothy had ulcers

Peter was afraid of death

Lazarus was dead

John was self-righteous

Naomi was a widow

Paul was a murderer

So was Moses

Miriam was a gossip

Gideon and Thomas both doubted

Jeremiah was depressed and suicidal

Martha was a worrywart

Mary was lazy

Samson had long hair

Noah got drunk

Moses had a short fuse

So did Peter and Paul and…


Satan says, “You are not worthy”. Jesus says, “So, what? I am!” Satan looks back and sees our mistakes. God looks back and sees the Cross. Yes, there are lots of reasons why God shouldn’t want us, but if we love Him, He’ll use us in spite of who we are, where we’ve been, or what we look like.

God wants to use each one of us, if we’ll let Him!


  • http://gladsurprise.com Jane

    Very encouraging!

  • Bart

    A good word