Part II: The Faithfulness of God and Our Children

(Continued from Part I)

I remember (much of this potpourri will begin with “I remember”)

I remember laying my hands on the children’s heads as they left for school and praying Numbers 6:24-16 over them. “The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

I also remember Pollyann, who wasn’t in school yet, coming to the door with a couple of little friends behind her saying, “You forgot to bless me when I went out to play.” And the little children looking on wide eyed as I proceeded to give her the blessing.

I remember- Eating together every evening. Seven of us around the table. That was just the normal thing to do and we didn’t think anything about it. Now I realize that today that isnt normal and if a family eats together several times a week it is a big deal. But it also makes me remember Psalms 128 in the Living Bible which I claimed when my children all were sitting around the table, and which has now come true in its fullness.

Blessings on all who reverence and trust the Lord—on all who obey him!Their reward shall be prosperity and happiness. Your wife shall be contented in your home. And look at all those children! There they sit around the dinner table as vigorous and healthy as young olive trees.That is God’s reward to those who reverence and trust him.May the Lord continually bless you with heaven’s blessings[a] as well as with human joys.* May you live to enjoy your grandchildren! And may God bless Israel!”

I remember “Family Devotions”

I feel these times of family devotions were key and were the base and groundwork of raising our children. Yet, none of our own children have really followed this pattern, nor in the 24 years of teaching young women, I don’t know of any who have faithfully followed having family devotions with their children every evening. What about you? Will you step out- and clear the way- for the biggest blessing in your life and the lives of your children?

We started when Becky was very small (between 2-3 years old). I remember her sitting in a high chair in these early times. But those first times we sat around the kitchen table with a kerosene lamp lit in the center for atmosphere. We read scripture and prayed. It was the beginning of a wonderful adventure. I felt the atmosphere very important. Later often having it in front of the fireplace and at the outdoor fire at Wollochet Bay in the summers . We would read a chapter of the Laura and Mary book to start out time and went through all of the books, a chapter at a time. Then we would read a chapter in a devotional book. Then we would sing songs and choruses and we each would pray. Ending with singing “Now the Day is Over”. Singing one verse and humming one verse.

I feel led to talk to you about tithing. I first remember our first thinking seriously about tithing was in the early years of our marriage, and a man named Lloyd Jellum came to visit us from our church, St. Mark’s Lutheran Church. We had been giving regularly to the church, but as Lloyd spoke to us about tithing a tenth of our income, this was new to us. We said, “Let’s try it!” And that was the beginning of “The Great Adventure”. I think tithing puts feet to saying, “Put your money where your mouth is”. You say you trust God. You say you believe what he says about tithing.

Malachi 3:10 says, “Bring the full tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house; and thereby put me to the rest, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you and overflowing blessing”.

Phil. 4:19 “And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.”

Dick was getting started in his business in the early 50’s and was paying himself $80 per week. So we began tithing $8 per week. This doesn’t sound like much, but in the early 50’s wages were much different. When I was working for an attorney in Tacoma I was paid $150 per month, and for the FBI in San Francisco a whopping $250 per month. We began raising our tithe $1 each year “before” the Lord gave us the increase. He always met the increase and it was very exciting to us. Then as his business grew and he began making a profit we would tithe from that. Often allowing the children to be a part of those decisions as to where that extra should go. We had many opportunities to talk to the children about finances and about tithing. As they began working in the summers at 16, they also began to tithe their wages.

I remember meeting Rev. Bob Penton at a funeral of a mutual friend. He is dear pastor who works with the inner city. He told me at the time, that he always remembered Cindy with great fondness because during her summers working at the Pine Cone restaurant, she would send him $20 per month and he said that meant s great deal to his family at the time, and they looked forward to that check.

I want to share with you some very special verses that I clung to while raising my children.

James 1:5 “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives to all men generously and without reproaching, and it will be given him.”

Oh, my did I cling to that verse and the Lord was faithful in every instance. These two verses I think of as companion verses and I say they are my life verses for my family.

Romans 8:28 “We know in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.”

Thess. 5:18 “Give thanks in all circumstance; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

We would pray these verses often “when the bad things happened”. Such as, losing an election, our dog dying, many little hurts. I think it prepared them for life and helped give them the ability to thank the Lord “for everything”. We would pray, “Thank you Lord for allowing this to happen and help me to see the blessing in it”.

I think the most important thing we can do as mamas and as wives and women, is to begin the day with the Lord. Claiming these verses in particular.

Proverbs 16:3 “Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.”

Proverbs 16:9 “A mans mind plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”

Proverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight.”

Now, I love this verse to tell of the morning adventure with the Lord. In fact, one line of the verse is running across my computer screen. Isaiah 50:4 “The Lord God has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him that is weary. MORNING BY MORNING HE WAKENS, HE WAKES MY EAR, to hear as those who are taught.”

Oh, we as mothers and grandmothers need to “hear as those who are taught”. I think this is all I will say with the first “Potpourri”. There will be more as I have 51 years of blessings to tell about.

Part I: The Faithfulness of God and Our Children

I have Dawn Jiminez to thank you for being able to give this lesson. For more than several years I have not felt the freedom to give lessons on “Children”. To be truthful, I have felt threatened by today’s young mamas. They seem to know so much regarding the raising of children and they have such strong opinions and go to so many classes, such as MOPS and Growing Kids God’s Way, etc. And many of the things that were important to me are now felt to be archaic or even bad. Such as using playpens, baby powder, and spanking children. So I had decided to avoid the subject, even though I claim to base my teachings on Titus 2:3-5 and it says the older women are to train the young women to love their husbands and “children”.

Then I went to a class Dawn was leading at the Women’s Retreat, and she made this statement that changed the direction of my ministry. “I cannot talk about parenting, but I can talk about the faithfulness of God”. Oh, my that struck me in the heart. I could do that. It really didn’t matter what “I” did or what “I” didn’t do, what was important was that God was faithful in helping me raise those 5 children and I could talk about that.

I was sharing this new breakthrough in my thinking with a friend who is a nurse in the delivery unit of a hospital. She said she sees young women coming in to have babies, having the same strong opinions and knowledge of how they are to have that baby. Then something changes and they need to have a “C” section, or they need an epidural and they are crushed and sad that it hadn’t gone as they had planned. She says, “I try to tell them the process isn’t the important thing, ,that dear baby you just had is the important thing.”

And I say that to you. The important thing is asking God for wisdom, and not the process. He may show you a different way to raise those children than he showed me. But the important thing is the results and I pray your results will be just like mine. Children raised, loving Jesus, marrying Christian men, raising their children for the Lord.

So now I shall proceed to tell you some things that were important to me while praising those 5 special gifts from the Lord. I shall call this part a “Potpourri of Lessons Learned”.

I want to start by showing some pictures of my family at different ages (not included) and reading you some poems that have been a blessings to me. The poems are by Ruth Bell Graham and from a book called “Sitting By My Laughing Fire”. She also had 5 children and I love this poem….

“Five I Have”

“Five I have:

Each separate,


A soul bound for eternity:

And I


leader of the blind

groping and fumbling,

casual and concerned, 

by turns….

undisciplined, I seek

by order and command

to discipline and shape;

(I who need 

Thy discipline 

To shape

My own disordered soul). 

O Thou

Who seest the heart’s

True, deep desire, 

Each shortcoming, 

Each sad mistake, 




Nor let our children be the victims of our own 

Unlikeness unto Thee.”

Now they are grown with children of their own and this poem is so true…

“Oh Time Be Slow”

Oh, time! Be slow!

It  was a dawn ago

I was a child

Dreaming of being grown;

A noon ago

I was 

With children of my own;

And now

It’s afternoon

–and late–

and they are grown

and gone. 

Time, wait!”

Oh, do enjoy those little ones you have. Until they are grown you often don’t realize how fast time goes. I love to tell mama’s of 7 year olds that I know how quickly that child became 7 and that it seems like only yesterday you brought him/ her home from the hospital. But then in 7 short years again that child will be 14, and seven more short years, 21, and you could be a mother-in-law or a grandmother and you wont feel any differently or any older than you do now.

I love the poem called “It Seems But Yesterday” and at the top of the page I have written “For Jane”. For at that time she was my only daughter with little boys. Now I have 3 more who have boys, Berta, Cindy, and Pollyann. But when I first read and loved this poem Jane’s boys were preschool age. Now those boys are 6 feet 3 inches or more and two in college and one a senior in high school. Oh, yes, time be slow.

“It Seems But Yesterday”

“It seems but yesterday

You lay

New in my arms. 

Into our lives you brought


And laughter- 


Showers, too, 

And song. 




Tender beyond believing, 

Simple in faith, 



Eager for life–

you left us 

Rich in memories, 

Little wife. 

And now today

I hear you say

Words wise beyond your years;

I watch you play

With your small sons

Tenderest of mothers. 

Years slip away–


We are mothers


Now I shall begin my “Potpourri” of thoughts on being a mother.

When I entered the world of motherhood I knew absolutely nothing about babies. I mean nothing. I was raised an only child, in what today would be called a dysfunctional home. My parents were separated when I was 2 until 6 1/2 years, at which time I lived with my mother, and was around mostly adults. I did not have the example of a happy family with brothers and sisters. I began working in a store in downtown Tacoma on my 13th birthday, again with adults, working on Saturdays and after school.

I married at 19 and had my first baby at 22. I was absolutely clueless as to what to do with this baby, who cried all the time, slept 45 minutes a day, was colic, had volatile vomiting, got her first tooth at 4 months, beginning a long session of teething. I remember crying out to the Lord, “What did I ever do to deserve this?”

Then as this beautiful child, Becky Ann, grew, the Lord began to amazingly mold her into “His” child. She became  my helper and little mother to the other 4 children. She was a positive example to them. She studied hard, got good marks at school, made good choices of friends, exhibiting kindness to them and others. Following Jesus, positively and strongly all through school. Going two years to bible college before higher education. Then I remember saying to the Lord, “What have I ever done to deserve this child!” May it be so with you.

I am going to share with you some highlights of things the Lord has showed me during these 51 years of marriage. I can remember there was a time when the children were small when “everything” seemed perfect. The children were healthy and happy as were Dick and I and the business was going well. Then suddenly I began to get paranoid, thinking that something bad was going to happen. This couldn’t last. Thoughts such as “Rose Kennedy’s children began dying after they were grown” or “Dick is going to die” or “One of the children is going to have an accident”.

Then the Lord showed me an aspect of Phil. 4:11-13 that I had missed. It says, “Not that I complain of want; for I have learned, in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want. I can do all things in him who strengthens me.”

I had always taken the “in whatever state I am” to mean trying to be happy in adverse situations. Now the Lord was showing me that “In whatever state I am” also means when things are good to be happy. And not spoil that joy by worrying about what “could” happen. This is a wonderful lesson for me, and helped me to enjoy every moment with my children.

(Continued in Part II: The Faithfulness of God and Our Children)


Simplicity of God

2 Kings 5:  Read the wonderful story of Naaman.  I think there are many applications to our lives and to thoughts on simplicity that God can show us through this story.

The story tells how Naaman had leprosy and went to the prophet Elisha to be healed of this disease.  But when Naaman arrived at Elisha’s house Elisha himself did not even come to greet him, but sent a messenger with the message, “Go and wash in the Jordan seven times and your flesh shall be restored and you shall be clean.”

That was very easy, but was Naaman excited?  We read, no way, he was angry.  That was in fact too simple.  He was angry because, “Behold I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, and wave his hand over the place, and cure the leper.”  He thought he had better rivers at home than the Jordan that he could have washed in if that was the cure.

But then his servant came to him and said. “My father, if the prophet had commanded you to do some great thing, would you not have done it?  How much rather, then, when he says to you, wash and be clean?”

So, apparently Naaman reconsiders and does what Elisha had told him to do, and his flesh was restored and he was healed.

I think this is such a wonderful story of the simplicity of God.  All through the Bible, New and Old Testament this theme is carried through.

How can this apply to your own life.  Think about this story when you are pondering and memorizing the verses we have had in class each week.  It is too simple to take them at face value.  Would you be more willing to DO them if they were just a bit more complicated.  Perhaps not so “childlike”.  We are told to be “childlike” not childish.  There is a big difference.

Matt 18:3 “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become LIKE children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

Think about this and also these other thoughts and verses that stress the simplicity of God.

The world wants a show of power, and might and wealth but God wants to do things the opposite in a simple childlike manner.

The Jews were looking for a king to come in power and glory but God sent the Messiah to a virgin and he was born in a stable.

When the angels announced his birth they did not do it to the rulers of the land but to the shepherds on a hillside.

Psalm 119:130 “The unfolding of thy words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.”

I love the words in 1 Cor 1:19-31.  Read it, it says it all as to God’s feeling of simplicity verses the wisdom of the world.



When you hear the word “gossip” what do you think of?

  • Someone telling you a juicy bit of news?
  • Is the bad thing listening or passing it on?
  • If I only tell the truth is it gossip?
  • If I only tell good things is it gossip?

Lets look at each of those…

This is what the dictionary says about gossip. First it is used as a noun, calling a gossip person- an idle tattler, a news monger. Also as a noun, to spread gossip. I guess I always thought of gossip as a verb, as something someone did, not “a gossip” as a person. The verb use was gossiping.

I began thinking…. are the above the real sin? It came to me more that my struggle had to do with conversation and words. That is why I added that to the heading of the lesson. Psalms 19:4 says, “May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, of Lord my strength and my redeemer”.  Am I able to defend someone- if it is awkward, or unpopular in the moment? Do I regard the feeling of the person “telling” me something, more than the person spoken of?

Two Sundays ago Pastor talked about “ego enhancement” when talking to others. When someone says to me, “so and so is the best Bible Study teacher I have ever known”…

or to Jody- “so and so is the best Young Life Area Director I know”

or to Kristy- “so and so’s family is the most wonderful I know”

or to Tina- “so and so in a Gig Harbor church is the best Youth Pastor I have every known”

What do we say?- Something subtle that puts down the person they are speaking about? Or agree and say something good about the person?

If we dont give it up completely to the Lord, a root of bitterness will grow between us and the person talking. Hebrews 12:15 “See to it that no one fail to obtain the grace of God; that no “root of bitterness” spring up and cause trouble, and by it the many become defiled”.

The Lord can help us to get this habit of not defending ourselves and building up other people. Remember Matthew 23:12 “whoever exalts himself will be humble and whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

I had a friend who always used the words “the greatest” or “the best” etc. when talking about other people to me. I soon accepted that that was her and not to be offended and see the funny side of it. We need to think before we answer a gossiper, or someone who is just putting down someone else.

Proverbs 16:28 “The mind of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”

Ask the Lord to give the words for the right answer.

Proverbs 15:23 “To make an apt answer is a joy to a man and a word in season, how good it is.”

Proverbs 15:26b “for the words of the pure are pleasing to him.”

Proverbs 15:4 “A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.”

Ecc. 5:2 “Be not rash with your mouth not let your heart be hasty to utter a word before God, for God is in heaven and you upon the earth, therefore let your words be few.”

There are some people who have a knack of getting things out of us that we wished we hadn’t said. Then we know the truth of James 3:5,6 “So the tongue is a little member and boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire!”

What can we do to prevent this from happening?

What is the difference between being interested and being snoopy? When do we cross the line?

Winter Season of Our Soul

The earthly winter season has always been hard for me- because of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), which I finally self diagnosed, after many years. I then began using Agro light from December through April. I recently came across a lesson I had written in November of 1979, over 21 years ago. I had forgotten the details of that time and glad now that I wrote them down. I want to share with you what the Lord taught me during that time…

Thoughts from Jack Hayford:

The previous February Jack had been going through a full colorless time spiritually (Now I think he was suffering from SAD too). He had the spiritual blahs. I felt I was in good company if he, the Psalmist and David has a Winter season in their life too). The Lord led him to Psalms 42:

As the deer pants for streams of water,
    so my soul pants for you, my God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God.
    When can I go and meet with God?
My tears have been my food
    day and night,
while people say to me all day long,
    “Where is your God?”
These things I remember
    as I pour out my soul:
how I used to go to the house of God
    under the protection of the Mighty One[d]
with shouts of joy and praise
    among the festive throng.” (continued)

When not feeling joy, peace, and exuberance, often the first reaction is: “God is mad at me for some reason”. Condemnation sets in. When this happens check first obvious means of overt sin, wrong relationships, or things that need to be righted.

However, these blahs were not that for Jack. It was just the ordinary life type. He was simply walking in God’s direction and the blahs hit. In Psalms 42 Jack found a description of himself and how he was feeling. The 2nd part of verse 5 was wonderful to him and also to me: “I SHALL AGAIN PRAISE HIM FOR HIS HELP.”

His heart began to stir with hope. There AGAIN would be a time full of joy of the Lord. Full of thanks for bringing him out of this.

How should we handle uninspired days?

Mountain top experiences are great. Retreats are great. But people don’t live on the mountain tops. We go there for scenic views, cool breezes and times of refreshment. But we live in the valleys. It doesn’t mean we live in depression but in the valleys were everything grows.  Rivers don’t flow on the mountain top… but instead in the valleys. The growth takes place in the valleys and fruit is grown in the valleys.

We live in valleys. Not in depression, but there life carries on from day to day.

Why are you cast down, O my soul, why are you disquieted within? Hope in God.

What could be some of the reasons?

  • not taking care of your body?
  • not eating properly?
  • not getting enough sleep?
  • Overweight?
  • Not getting enough exercise?

What did God tell Elijah to do when he was depressed? I Kings 19:1-8

Now Ahab told Jezebel everything Elijah had done and how he had killed all the prophets with the sword. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.”

Elijah was afraid[a] and ran for his life. When he came to Beersheba in Judah, he left his servant there, while he himself went a day’s journey into the wilderness. He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.” Then he lay down under the bush and fell asleep.

All at once an angel touched him and said, “Get up and eat.” He looked around, and there by his head was some bread baked over hot coals, and a jar of water. He ate and drank and then lay down again.

The angel of the Lord came back a second time and touched him and said, “Get up and eat, for the journey is too much for you.” So he got up and ate and drank. Strengthened by that food, he traveled forty days and forty nights until he reached Horeb, the mountain of God.”

How often do we feel like Elijah? That we are the ONLY one who has every gone through a certain thing. But in reality many have gone through the same things and have survived. Elijah though he was the only one left who was true to the Lord. But in vs. 18 we read that seven thousand had not bowed to Baal. You may be a threat to darkness and Satan is attacking you. Jesus’s light may be penetrating the darkness in some area.

The Lord gave Jack Hayford the example of reentry of a space ship into earths atmosphere after being in “darkness”. Jack said that when a space ship re-enters there is a time of no communication for 2-3 minutes. The astronauts know where they are but don’t know what is happening. Sometimes we feel out of communication just like the astronauts.

This makes me think of Pollyann saying to me on the phone while I was in Springfield, “I am lonesome for you. I haven’t had a mama for three weeks. For 2 weeks you were sick and now you are gone for a week. This is much like how I felt with God. He was there but wasn’t in communication.  This was also true for Jack when he says, “There is no spiritual advance in your life without a corresponding period of questioning in your own soul as to what is wrong.” God is putting a shield around you for a time. But it feels like isolation. But it’s for your own good, as you go through the period of penetration.

Why are you cast down? You need a period of rest. Flowers cant stand 24 hours of sunshine. Many need to close up for the night. There are times of night for us too. To be closed up for rest.

Psalms 42:8 “At night his song is with me”. For Jack, his “song” was “Jesus filled my empty life” and it became the song for me too!

(See “Empty Pots” entry)

Why are you cast down? It is just winter/ night and it could go on for weeks.

It’s hard when friends are UP. All excited about what the Lord has done for them and you feel like saying. “Oh, shut up!” It would be nice to have all your seasons together but it doesn’t work that way.

Could it be that you are overloaded and not sharing your burden? Galations 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ.” We need to be ministered to as well as ministering to others. Be able to say “I am going through a winter season- will you stand with me?

Psalm 131 is helpful to me during winters. Don’t fight them, just rest in them on your Father’s chest.

“My heart is not proud, Lord,

    my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
    or things too wonderful for me.
But I have calmed and quieted myself,
    I am like a weaned child with its mother;
    like a weaned child I am content.

Israel, put your hope in the Lord
    both now and forevermore.”

Jack’s song during the “night” seasons (Jesus filled my empty life) became a turning point for me. I began to be filled and lifted up. I have never quite had this experience again and hope you never do. But if you do claim Psalm 42 you will have hope in the Lord. Your circumstances might not change but you will hope IN THE LORD.

Jesus can fill your empty life and give you hope, love, joy, and peace.

Verses that go with “Overcommitment” Lesson

Pro 20:27 (Living)  “A man’s conscience is the Lord’s searchlight, exposing his hidden motives.”

Gal 5:25 (Living)  “If we are living now by the Holy Spirit’s power, let us follow the Holy Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.”

Gal 5:16 (Living)  “I advise you to obey only the Holy Spirit’s instruction.  He will tell you where to go and what to do and then you won’t always be doing the wrong things your evil nature wants you to do.” (also read 17-22)

Isaiah 30:21  “And your ears shall hear a word behind you saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it’, when you turn to the right and when you turn to the left.”

John 10:27  “My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me.”

John 10:4  “When he has brought out all his own, he goes before them and the sheep follow him for they know his voice.”

John 8:47  “He who is of God hears the words of God, the reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”

Rom 8:14  “For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”

Isaiah 48:17  “…I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you in the way you SHOULD go.”

OK so we LISTEN to the Lord, feel we are hearing his voice and try to do what he is directing.  And then things seem to fall apart or not go in the way we hoped.  This is a good verse to remember at those times.


Over Commitment and Pruning

I think that often May is the second busiest month of the year for mamas, next to December that is. So many end of school activities for the children plus graduations, and many extra things coming to a close.

But this a good time to think about Over Commitment and Pruning as we are beginning to think about and make decisions for the year. This has been an on-going procedure for me each year and I have often thought that I was “all pruned up” and my life was “down to handle size” when I realize that I am again over committed and burdened down with too many things. I used to think something was wrong with me but then I realized that Dick does not prune just once and that is it. It is an every year procedure and so it is with God’s pruning of our lives and activities.

This is a time of year to look over your schedules and what you are considering for next year. What “extra baggage” are you carrying that perhaps you picked up unaware during this past year. Something the Lord didnt give you.

Good words from God Calling on February 10th: “Think of my trees- stripped of their beauty, pruned, cut, disfigured, bare, but through the dark seemingly dead branches flows silently, secretly, the spirit-life-sap, till, lo! with the sun of Spring comes new life, leaves, buds, blossom, fruit, but oh! fruit a thousand times better for the pruning.”

I think sometimes we add something to Phil. 4:13 that is not intended also. It says, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” He gives us the strength for what He gives us to do. Not all we plan on our own and ask him to bless is His plan. Don’t put God on your “Ways and Means” committee. Ask Him first, for the plan, then do it and He will give you the strength.

A couple of weeks ago, Pastor Andy gave a sermon on Abiding in Christ and the pruning process. One thing he said was that in a dormant tree, often a wound (pruning) brings the tree back to life. Perhaps you are so busy doing things FOR the Lord but are not taking time to be WITH the Lord. Perhaps the Lord needs to give you courage to prune something from your life or schedule. It might be painful or fee like a wound. But it might bring your dormant spiritual life back to life- as you take time to listen to Him regarding your schedule.

I am going to be sharing some thoughts on Over Commitment and Pruning from an old lesson on the subject that I think has some thoughts worth remembering.

First a quote from Dr. Dobson: “I want to evangelize: “I want to evangelize to the world. I want to reach as many people as I can for the Lord. I want to strengthen families. But my number one responsibility has to be my family. And if I lose it there folks, I lose it. There is not substitute for my responsibility within my own family.”

He also says a little bit of how he is doing this. He gives the example of Gallo Wine Co., that they not only prune dead branches but also a certain amount of fruit off the vine in order to have a larger crop. This is backed up in John 15, which says, “I am the true vine and my father is the gardener. He lops off every branch that doesn’t produce and he prunes those branches that bear fruit for even larger crops.” Dobson continues, “It is necessary forks, in the Christian life to eliminate some good things from your schedule and from your effort so that the other things you do are done better- so that you get better quality in what is remaining.”

Think about your own life. There probably are many areas in which you are doing “good” things for the Lord and seeing results. Be willing to give all areas of your life to Him, for inspection and control. Perhaps by pruning off some “good work” you would have more time for a child who needs your guidance and help right now in a particular area. Would it be exciting to see great fruit come in that needed area?

This is crucial to remember:

It is key to remember that WE are not the pruners. We don’t just start saying no and loping off activities as we see fit. The FATHER is the vine dresser. HE does the pruning. If we allow Him to do the pruning, there will be no over-pruning or under-pruning and no roots will be cut only branches. Col. 2:6-7 says, “As therefore you received Christ Jesus the Lord , so LIVE in him, ROOTED and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.” Our roots, our time with Jesus and time in the Word are never pruned- they must increase in order to listen to what the Lord is directing us to do.

The three things we must do in this pruning process then are:

  1. Commit to Ask
  2. Listen
  3. Obey


In Proverbs 3:6-7 we are told, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” And then in Proverbs 16:3 it says, “Commit your work to the Lord and your plans will be established.” HOW do we do this? By laying out your day, your week, your schedule to the Lord, saying, “Lord, this is what I have planned for my time. Is that pleasing to you? If not, will you show me what to add or eliminate so that I can be a fruitful vine? As some look at the list, they might realize that yes, they are over committed and they need help from the vine dresser. Others might have to say, “God, I am not serving you in any way right now. What would you have me do that I might bear fruit for you?”


Then we must LISTEN to God for direction. There is a long study in itself regarding “KNOWING GODS WILL”. But there are many promises in the Bible that say WE CAN be directed by the Spirit of God and that we CAN hear His voice….

  • Isaiah 30:21
  • Proverbs 20:27
  • John 10:27
  • John 10:4
  • Galatians 5:25
  • John 8:47
  • Romans 8:14
  • Isaiah 48:17
  • Galatians 5:16

When we accent Christ as Savior and Lord all parts of us become under his control. As we give ourselves all to the Lord we can use all parts of our body, soul, and spirit to speak to us. Feeling is the voice of the body, Reason is the voice of the Soul, and Conscience is the voice of the Spirit. The secret again is in the ROOTING and being with God, so you can hear and know that still small voice when it comes to you. Allowing Him to help you make a decision and experience “the peace that passeth all understanding.”


When you get the direction- having the courage to say “Yes, Lord” or No to some things and following his orders.

  • James 1:22 “But be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.”
  • Acts 5:29 “But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.”
  • Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

May the Lord bless each one of you and direct you in how He would prune your life.

As We Turn Our Thoughts To The New Year


Phil 3:13-14 RSV  “Brethren, I do not consider that I have made it my own; but one thing I do, forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Same verse in Living Translation.  “No dear brothers, I am still not all I should be but I am bringing all my energies to bear in this one thing, forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I strain to reach the end of the race and receive the prize for which God is calling us up to heaven because of what Christ Jesus did for us.”


Matt 6:34  “Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself.  Let the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day.”


Isaiah 26:3-4  “Thou dost keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in thee.  Trust in the Lord for ever for the Lord God is an everlasting rock.”

What a wonderful promise to take with us into the new year.  That Jesus is our rock, in whom we can hide, who will protect us and in whom we can take refuge.

Psalm 92:15b  “…he is my rock”

1Sam 2:2b  “…there is no rock like our God.”

Psalm 18:2  “The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge…”

Psalm 71:3  “Be thou to me a rock of refuge, a strong fortress, to save me, for thou art my rock and my fortress.”

Loving, Laughing, and Listening During the Holiday Season

I have a very special friend named Sharon Sparling and we have been prayer partners for 32 years. When our children were small we prayed every day over the phone at 9am. Then when I moved to Fox Island and it was long distance we called on Mondays and Fridays. Now since both our husbands are retired and they travel much, we catch each other when we can. But at least twice a year around our birthdays we get together for a long lunch, face to face and really catch up.

I thought of how very much that is sometimes like our relationhip with the Lord. We talk often to each other but often just as if we were talking long distance and had to make it as brief as possible. But how wonderful it would be to just have a day to spend with the Lord, loving Him, and listening to Him, and reminisce over how faithful He has been in the past and the miracles of the present.

I thought of Revelation 2:3-5 in relation to the Christmas season. It says, “I know you are enduring patiently and bearing up for my name’s sake, and you have not grown weary. But I have this against you, that you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first.”

Often in regard to the Christmas season, we are holding up, and enduring but are we “loving, laughing, and listening” with the joy and TOTAL abandonment He would have us do?

John 10:10 says: “I came that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”

Sometimes we get a little mixed up and think it says:

I CAME… that you might have a nervous breakdown celebrating my birth.

Why is it that ONLY women seem to experience this? Children love Christmas and men seem to float through it enjoying it all. Perhaps we are adding some burdens to Christmas that God didn’t intend us to carry. Jesus said, “My yoke is easy and my burden is light”. If it gets heavy, then it is our additions that make it “not easy to carry”.

I CAME…. that you might run up huge bills on your charge accounts in December and try to pay them off all year.

Is there an easier way for you to handle gift exchanges? Have you considered giving less expensive gifts or not so many to family and friends? Have you considered drawing names with your larger family or among the children in your family? Could you stop some gift exchanges that have become a tradition but have lost their original purpose? Perhaps others are thinking the same things and would be grateful for you to the FIRST to bring it up. What about joining a “Christmas Club”? That is a really old fashioned idea, but comes as a great blessing the 1st of November and helps you stay within a certain amount for spending.

I CAME…. that you might gorge yourself on goodies all December and go on a crash diet in January.

Do we use the holidays to eat and gorge on things we wouldn’t eat all year and get “sugar blue” afterward? Could we use moderation even in this area ALSO remembering that self-control is a fruit of the spirit?

I CAME…. that you might drive your family crazy and make yourself a nervous wreck- making the most beautiful gifts and wrapping the most gorgeous packages and decorating the house in the most beautiful way.

We tell our children “your eyes are bigger than your stomach” but sometimes aren’t our eyes bigger than our time? As we see holiday magazines and drool over the wonderful food and decorations and go to bazars and think “Oh, I could make that for $2.00”. And go shopping and think, “I could make that dress for my daughter for $10.00 or that one for myself for $20”. And we begin a night and day sewing and baking and making craft crusade that drives our family crazy. Try to remember it is great to make things, but don’t do it in December. Reserve that time for celebrating with your family and enjoying the holidays.

I CAME….that you might be so busy in December that you have no time to Love or Laugh or Listen. I Timonthy 5:8 says “If anyone does not provide for his relatives for his relatives and especially for his own family, he has disowned the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.

Do we sometimes feel that the “end does justify the means” and it doesn’t matter how cross we are with our own family- how many feelings we hurt- how many “leave me alones” we say, JUST SO on Christmas Eve or say everything is perfect. Your house is beautiful and your are all prepared and you smile as you say Merry Christmas to your guests and they are made welcome.

Could this have anything to do with what James is talking about in James 1:7-8 about being double minded? “For the person must not suppose that a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways, will receive anything from the Lord.”

I CAME…. That you might collapse in January recovering from shooting pains in your neck and back and arms because of lack of sleep, overwork and tension- to recover completely in time to start all over again next December.

Is there a better way? Does Jesus have a better plan?

Let us look at how they celebrate the first Christmas.

What did the angels do?

Luke 2:13 tells us- They praised God, saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!”

We too can praise God and give Him glory and bring peace to our family and neighbors and make him well pleased. He is pleased when there is peace.

I shall strive for Peace for Christmas.

Psalms 133:1 “Behold how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!”

How did the Shepherds celebrate?

  1. They listened. Luke 2:8-12 They heard the good news. Oh, that I might listen and really hear.
  2. They went and found Jesus. Luke 2:15-16. Oh, that I might find Him in simplicity.
  3. They shared what they had seen Luke 2:17. Oh, might I share the good news with those who haven’t heard- that they might begin to wonder, and perhaps start on their own search of finding him.

What did the Wise Men do?

They saw the star and followed it and rejoice exceedingly. Matt 2:9-10. Oh, that I  might see the Star of David and that I might rejoice exceedingly and follow the Start of David. Revelation 22:16 “I Jesus have sent my angel to you with the testimony for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright morning star.”

We often see them saying “Wise men still seek Him.” Let us continue to seek Him with all our heart. II Chronicles 16:11 “Seek the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.”

Matt 6:33 “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be yours as well.”

Make a list of the things “you” want to do and then SEEK the Lord and ask his advice.

Are we sometimes like blind pharisees that we are so wrapped up in tradition that we miss Jesus.

What did Mary so?

  1. She was obedient to what was asked of her. Luke 1:38. Oh, that I might be obedient to God and do what He is asking me to do this Christmas season. First listening to get that direction and then moving on it.
  2. She pondered all these things in her heart. Luke 2:19. Oh, that I might take time to ponder. To think of what His birth really meant- to me- to the world- that I might make those quiet moments in which to ponder and restore my soul.

What did Joseph do?

He was obedient and did what the Lord told him, not full of understanding but bewildered and fearful, but he did obey.

Oh, Lord might I obey- even when I am bewildered and fearful. Might I obey this Christmas season and not be fearful- knowing that you are in control.


IT IS NEVER TOO LATE TO HAVE A HAPPY CHILDHOOD. If you wish you could have done this as child, or always wanted to do that—DO IT NOW. Become as a little child and enjoy all the little things you wished you had as a child. Matthew 18:3 “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven.”


Do something JUST FOR JOY.

Put a candle or a sprig of holly on your table and give your kids a special hug.

Jump on the davenport or turn a somersault on the lawn. Have some fun.

Have a special date with your husband.

Don’t let this season be a time of “I’ll be glad when its over”. Enjoy each moment.

LOVE the Lord- your family- the people the Lord puts on your heart.

LAUGH- at yourself- with your children and family and rejoice in the Lord.

LISTEN – to your children- to your husband and to others, but mostly to God. Take time to listen.





From Webster’ Dictionary: Contentment – Having the desires limited to that which one has.

Synonym: Satisfied – State of being content.

Let’s look at what the bible has to say about contentment.

Phil 4:11-13

Not that I complain of want, for I have learned , in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased and I know how to abound; in any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and want. I can do all things in him who strengthens me.”

Luke 3:14

Soldiers also asked him, ‘And we, what shall we do?’ And he said to them, ‘Rob no one by violence or by false accusation, AND BE CONTENT WITH YOUR WAGES.’”

Heb 13:5-6

Keep your life free from the love of money, and be content with what you have; for he has said, ‘I will never fail you nor forsake you.’ Hence we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid; what can man do to me?’”

1Tim 6:6-12

There is great gain in GODLINESS WITH CONTENTMENT; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world; but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who desire to be rich fall into temptation, into a snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is the root of all evils; it is through this craving that same have wandered away from the faith and pierced their hearts with many pangs. But as for you, man of God, shun all this; aim at righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of faith; take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made the good confession in the presence of witnesses.”

vs. 17-19

As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be haughty, nor set their hopes on uncertain riches but on God who richly furnishes us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good deeds, liberal and generous, thus laying up for themselves a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of the life which is life indeed.”

2 Cor 12:10

For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Let’s look at each verse and share what it means to you and what practical application you get from each.

I shared the story of Sam and Bjorn and the little tractor with our envy lesson but I think it is appropriate also with contentment. We had been watching Sam while Cindy and John were away for a weekend. He had been with us two days when Bjorn came out to visit. Bjorn began riding the toy tractor. Thereupon Sam came in and said that Bjorn wouldn’t share. I told Sam that he had been here for two days and not even gotten on the tractor. Why did he now all of the sudden want to ride it so badly.

This is so true with children, but isn’t it also with us. Perhaps we never wanted a certain thing, but when our friend has it, or we see how beautiful something is in her house, we suddenly must have it.

Was this not the problem Eve had in the very beginning of the fall from grace. Read Gen 3:1-6. It seems that Eve really hadn’t thought about eating the fruit of the forbidden tree until Satan talked to her about not being able to have it. Then she SAW that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the EYES, and she TOOK the fruit and ATE some and then gave some to her husband. Isn’t that a progression of the way we are led from contentment also?

Something we must remember – We can drive envy and jealousy from our lives, hearts and minds, but then there is a void which must be filled with contentment – or envy and jealousy can easily return.

Sometimes we must take drastic measures to ensure contentment in our lives. I think Matt 18:7-9 gives us some thoughts to consider. “Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the man by whom the temptation comes! And if your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life maimed or lame than with two hands or two feet to be thrown into the eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and throw it from you; it is better for you to enter life with one eye than with two eyes to be thrown into the hell of fire.”

How can we apply this in a practical way? If our feet causes us to walk into a bank and rob it or if our hands reach out to steal from others or if our eyes cause us to lust and pursue that feeling, it is better to be maimed and crippled and blind and not be able to do those things, rather than to be able to do them and be thrown into hell.

How can these drastic measures be applied to being content? If the mall is too much of a temptation for us. And we are not content when we see all the things that would be nice in our homes or in our closets, then it is better to not go to the mall, unless absolutely necessary. And then to pray before going and only buy the specific things you have on your list. Perhaps you will need to shop by mail and catalogs and such.

Maybe you can’t resist nurseries this time of year. Perhaps you will have to stay away if you go beyond your specified budget. [Editors Note: This made me smile for if anyone knew my Grandma Rosy personally would remember that nurseries and flowers were a weakness for her:)]

This principle could hold true for whatever it is that draws you away from contentment. You might have to stop doing some very innocent thing if it brings you into trouble.

What are some things you can think of in this line?

May we pray that the Lord will fill our lives with contentment, as wives, mothers, homemakers and whatever we are involved in whether it is outside or in the home.

May we learn how to experience Godliness with Contentment.